Here’s the latest on Spotted Lanternfly from Ryan Parker, Extension Aide at NYSIPM. Concern over the invasive and destructive spotted lanternfly (Lycorma delicatula) (SLF) generated many online resources by states researching new and active populations. Thought to have arrived in Berks County, PA, in 2012, this showy planthopper attacks more than seventy species of plants…Continue Reading Have You Spotted Our New SLF Webpage?
2018’s Best of NYS IPM
“None of us is as smart as all of us.” –Ken Blanchard 2018 has been quite the year and we have been busy blogging, tweeting, videoing, and Facebooking about it. Here’s a recap of some of our more popular 2018 offerings: ThinkIPM – our catchall blog and a great way to keep a pulse on…Continue Reading 2018’s Best of NYS IPM
Spotted Lanternfly Enters New York State
It’s unfortunate that we must spread the news that living Spotted Lanternflies have been detected in New York State, but to be forewarned is to be forearmed. Here is the text of the press release published by the New York Department of Environmental Conservation and the Department of Agriculture and Markets: DEC and DAM Announce…Continue Reading Spotted Lanternfly Enters New York State
The Invasive of the Month Is … (Drum Roll)
Drum Roll: The Spotted Lanternfly Southeastern Pennsylvania, the epicenter of spotted lanternfly’s arrival in 2014, might seem far enough away to give us in New York prep time for dealing with this new pest, a weak flyer that usually hops to get around. But with the spotted lanternfly (Lycorma delicatula—and SLF for short), all bets…Continue Reading The Invasive of the Month Is … (Drum Roll)