The Year of the Corn Earworm Nobody likes opening an ear of corn and finding uninvited worms; not customers, and definitely not the grower! Wormy corn can lose customers at the farm stand and in wholesale markets, and can be a problem in both frozen and canned supermarket products. To help growers manage these pests,…Continue Reading Our 2018-2019 Annual report: #3 Corn Earworm and Just What is a ‘Short Course’?
Invasive Pest A Killer in the Cabbage Patch: Growers, Take This Survey
The invasive swede midge has been slowly but relentlessly making its way into the Northeast. This tiny pest is a baddie, sometimes causing complete loss of entire plantings of cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, and their cabbage-family kin. New York is the top producer for fresh cabbage nationwide — and second in processing cabbage. The market value…Continue Reading Invasive Pest A Killer in the Cabbage Patch: Growers, Take This Survey
IPM for Wildlife — the Hotline Begins Here
Maybe it’s the chipmunk stashing a winter’s-worth of nuts and seeds in the cellar. Or momma raccoon bringing up baby in the attic (the latrine she made is conveniently nearby). Or any of 20-plus critters that set up shop where we want them least. Nationwide, Cooperative Extension’s Master Gardener volunteers are IPM-trained and equipped to…Continue Reading IPM for Wildlife — the Hotline Begins Here