Tag: indoor pests

New Resources from our friends at STOP PESTS.ORG

Understanding pest biology (the why and how they do things) is key to reducing pest problems. Pest management can be a real challenge in any structure–maybe more so in multi-family housing. Pests like cockroaches, rodents and even bed bugs travel from room to room and, unfortunately, from apartment to apartment. We asked Susannah Reese of…Continue Reading New Resources from our friends at STOP PESTS.ORG

Bug Bombs No Bother to Bugs by Paul Hetzler, Cornell Cooperative Extension

Today we bring you another great post borrowed from Paul: As days lengthen and temperatures climb, it is common to find a few insects bumbling around the house, looking for a way outdoors. Red-and-black boxelder bugs, orange Asian lady-beetles, and gray, slow-moving western conifer seed bugs are but a few of the critters likely to…Continue Reading Bug Bombs No Bother to Bugs by Paul Hetzler, Cornell Cooperative Extension