Always positive. Wonderful to work with. An invaluable resource. Accolades like these don’t just pop up out of nowhere. In Sandra Menasha’s case, they speak to the qualities that earned her an Excellence in IPM award. Menasha is a vegetable specialist with Cornell Cooperative Extension (CCE) on eastern Long Island. A few short decades ago,…Continue Reading Farm Demos, Scouting, Resourcefulness Earn IPM Award
IPM | Looking Back to Look Ahead Circa 1986
Last week we announced that — now that we’re 30 — we’ve planned a whole different take on our Year in Review. For prepping for NYS IPM’s 30th anniversary takes looking back — back to times when IPM was a whole new ballgame for farmers statewide. What are we finding? Take these “for instances”: Our…Continue Reading IPM | Looking Back to Look Ahead Circa 1986
For IPM, Looking Back Means Looking Ahead
2015 marks our 30th anniversary here at NYS IPM. With age comes a new approach to our Year in Review — to our annual report. Yes, as always our focus is real science for real people. But “commodity driven” has long been our organizing principle. This year our Year in Review will be different —…Continue Reading For IPM, Looking Back Means Looking Ahead
Invasive Pest A Killer in the Cabbage Patch: Growers, Take This Survey
The invasive swede midge has been slowly but relentlessly making its way into the Northeast. This tiny pest is a baddie, sometimes causing complete loss of entire plantings of cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, and their cabbage-family kin. New York is the top producer for fresh cabbage nationwide — and second in processing cabbage. The market value…Continue Reading Invasive Pest A Killer in the Cabbage Patch: Growers, Take This Survey
IPM Accolades: What Do Growers Say?
If you flash back to last week’s TAg post, you’ll see our side of the story — how TAg teams provide hands-on help to growers for a host of pest (and profit) issues. But what do growers say? Here’s a small sample of the pleased comments we’ve received over the years: How TAg has made…Continue Reading IPM Accolades: What Do Growers Say?
IPM TAg Teams: A Quarter Century Later, What’s Old Is New Again
The NYS IPM Program turns 30 this year — a great time for a look down memory lane. We were five years old, for instance, when we began our TAg — Tactical Agriculture — teams for field crop producers. Then (and now!), TAg teams across the state met at key times during the cropping season:…Continue Reading IPM TAg Teams: A Quarter Century Later, What’s Old Is New Again
Back to School for Fruit Growers | IPM and More
Kicking off February, two Lake Ontario Winter Fruit Schools back to back: February 2, 2015 8:00 am 4:00 pm Niagara County CCE Training Center, 4487 Lake Ave., Lockport, NY 14094 February 3, 2015 8:00 am 4:00 pm Wayne County, Quality Inn, 125 North Main St., Newark, NY 14513 You’ll learn about recent research results, new…Continue Reading Back to School for Fruit Growers | IPM and More
The Cutworms Are Coming
Western bean cutworm — call it WBC for short — is a new pest to us, though farmers in the Midwest and Canada have been battling it for several years. Since field corn contributes $685 million to New York’s economy while sweet corn rings in at $68 million, we can’t take this threat lightly. These…Continue Reading The Cutworms Are Coming
Eastward Ho!
Critters that did little damage before agriculture replaced natural ecosystems can prove tough customers when provided easy access to hundreds of thousands of acres of their favorite food. Even so, sometimes such pests are content to stay on their home turf until … until …. The western bean cutworm (WBC for short) is a High…Continue Reading Eastward Ho!