Thank you to Margaret Tuttle McGrath with the Long Island Horticultural Research & Extension Center for providing the following content and opportunity! Extension plant pathologists from across the region are seeking gardener assistance with monitoring downy mildews affecting cucurbit plants and basil. Cucurbits include cucumber, winter squash, summer squash, watermelon, and assorted gourds. Occurrence of…Continue Reading Help! Gardener Assistance Needed with Monitoring Downy Mildews
Spotted Lanternfly, an Invasive Pest Threatening Grapes and Other Crops, Found in Ithaca, NY
Spotted lanternfly adult. Photo by NYSIPM staff. A population of spotted lanternfly (SLF) has been found in Ithaca, New York, just off the Cornell University campus. (Note: This post is an extension of the resources found on our website.) But don’t look for these eye-catching pests now. The season for live adults is over. Throughout…Continue Reading Spotted Lanternfly, an Invasive Pest Threatening Grapes and Other Crops, Found in Ithaca, NY
BioBlitz! Earth Day Helps Teach Appreciation of Wild Things on Golf Courses
It’s BioBlitz time. Beginning on Earth Day (Friday, April 22) and running through Migratory Bird Day (Saturday, May 24), hundreds of Audubon International-certified golf courses are hosting events for golfers, their families, their friends (kids too) — to see who can find and ID as many plants and critters (bugs and mushrooms count too) as…Continue Reading BioBlitz! Earth Day Helps Teach Appreciation of Wild Things on Golf Courses
iMapInvasives Training
Study nature, love nature, stay close to nature. It will never fail you. – Frank Lloyd Wright Do you go outside? Then the NY Natural Heritage Program is looking for you to help map invasive species! And they are providing free training throughout the state for your convenience. iMapInvasives New York is New York State’s on-line…Continue Reading iMapInvasives Training