Getting Schooled in Tick Management (Above) Success! With his pants tucked into his socks, and having just assembled his own tick drag mat, workshop attendee Fred Koelbel has a right to feel accomplished. Thanks to the Long Island host district, Three Village—and our training—he’s now ready to reduce the incidence of tick bite risk in…Continue Reading Our 2018-2019 Annual Report: #4 Tick Management!
Getting ticked? Bummed about Lyme disease? You’re not alone
An NYS IPM Your NEWA Blog entry dropped into my inbox a couple of days ago — and since the entire conversation on my bus ride into work today was about ticks, a topic no one seemed to tire of, I just had to borrow from it for this post. Here’s how it begins: “Getting…Continue Reading Getting ticked? Bummed about Lyme disease? You’re not alone