Category: Pest Forecasts

Celebrating 30 years of IPM

Program report. You see the words; what comes to mind? Jargon. Puffery. In a word? Boring. But at NYS IPM, we’ve made a practice of telling stories — stories that take you on the farm, in the greenhouse, to the school cafeteria. Now we’ve taken the essence of all our annual reports spanning 30 years…Continue Reading Celebrating 30 years of IPM

Bad news for basil

Planning on pesto?  Basil downy mildew can leave you with a pot of pasta and no sauce – and we have had reports of it in NY already this summer. Basil downy mildew is a disease that can survive on the seed and infect the plant as soon as it germinates.  It can also travel…Continue Reading Bad news for basil

IPM | Looking Back to Look Ahead Circa 1986

Last week we announced that — now that we’re 30 — we’ve planned a whole different take on our Year in Review.  For prepping for NYS IPM’s 30th anniversary takes looking back — back to times when IPM was a whole new ballgame for farmers statewide. What are we finding? Take these “for instances”: Our…Continue Reading IPM | Looking Back to Look Ahead Circa 1986

There’s an App for That: IPM’s “Greenhouse Scout” Makes “Greenhouse Grower” List

NYS IPM’s Greenhouse Scout was featured recently in Greenhouse Grower’s online e-Newsletter as one of 15 apps for 2015. Here’s why. In the pest-friendly environment of a greenhouse, you need all the friends you can get. So more and more growers are turning to biocontrol — to using beneficial insects, mites, and fungi to control…Continue Reading There’s an App for That: IPM’s “Greenhouse Scout” Makes “Greenhouse Grower” List

Computer or Calendar? — Choose NEWA for better IPM

Traditionally, pest management practices were applied on a calendar basis, following somewhat of a cookbook approach.  However, with the newer classes of pesticides being produced today that are more target specific, timing of applications using the knowledge of a vineyard pest and the conditions that cause it to become a problem has become even more…Continue Reading Computer or Calendar? — Choose NEWA for better IPM