Year: 2021

Vegetable IPM – Gardening from the Ground Up! Meet our Day Two (virtual) Conference Speakers

Join in with other garden lovers! Two virtual half days: Tuesday, April 27, and Wednesday, April 28, 2021.  REGISTER TODAY. Registration closes April 21 Open to the public via Zoom. Registered participants will receive a USB flash-drive containing all resources mentioned during the conference upon completing an evaluation after the meeting. DAY TWO: WELCOME MESSAGE- …Continue Reading Vegetable IPM – Gardening from the Ground Up! Meet our Day Two (virtual) Conference Speakers

Vegetable IPM – Gardening from the Ground Up! Meet our Day One (virtual) Conference Speakers

Join in with other garden lovers! Two virtual half days: Tuesday, April 27, and Wednesday, April 28, 2021.  REGISTER TODAY. Registration closes April 21 Open to the public via Zoom. Registered participants will receive a USB flash-drive containing all resources mentioned during the conference upon completing an evaluation after the meeting. WELCOME MESSAGE-  Christopher Watkins,…Continue Reading Vegetable IPM – Gardening from the Ground Up! Meet our Day One (virtual) Conference Speakers

2019-2020 Annual Report: Cover Crops to the Rescue

Home gardeners are well aware of the weed suppressive benefits of mulch. It turns out that farmers can inexpensively mulch a 200-acre soybean field too … by growing the mulch in place. That involves establishing a big hearty cover crop and then rolling it down so the dead leaves and stems act as a mulch….Continue Reading 2019-2020 Annual Report: Cover Crops to the Rescue

2019-2020 Annual Report: NEWA’s Economic Benefits

“The only constant in life is change,” said one ancient philosopher, and anyone watching our fickle climate. That’s why sensor technologies and data science innovations used by the Network for Environment and Weather Applications (NEWA) make NYSIPM an industry leader in tackling real-world pest problems. First launched in 1996, NEWA ( and integrates remote weather…Continue Reading 2019-2020 Annual Report: NEWA’s Economic Benefits

2019-2020 Annual Report: Ticks and Tick-Borne Diseases in New York

It’s more than the furtive crawling and sucking. Multiple tick species can carry multiple diseases. Prompted by an increasing number of tick-borne disease cases, Jody Gangloff-Kaufmann, Joellen Lampman, Elizabeth Lamb, and Matt Frye participated in an active surveillance project to determine risks to New Yorkers, their pets, and livestock. With the use of tick drags,…Continue Reading 2019-2020 Annual Report: Ticks and Tick-Borne Diseases in New York

2019-2020 Annual Report: Two Decades of Forward-thinking Greenhouse Floriculture

For as long as there has been an Ornamentals component at NYSIPM, we’ve educated growers in methods to reduce pests while limiting pesticide use. To evaluate adoption of IPM practices by New York State greenhouse floriculture growers, surveys were conducted in 2000, 2007, and 2019. The 2000 and 2007 surveys showed that certain IPM practices…Continue Reading 2019-2020 Annual Report: Two Decades of Forward-thinking Greenhouse Floriculture

2019-2020 Annual Report: Staying Vigilant Against the Soybean Cyst Nematode

The soybean cyst nematode (SCN) is the number one pest of soybeans nationally, potentially causing 10-30% yield losses in infested fields. In 2017, an estimated 109 million bushels were lost nationwide. SCN was first confirmed at low levels in Cayuga County, New York, in 2016. Since then, the NYSIPM program has led statewide survey efforts…Continue Reading 2019-2020 Annual Report: Staying Vigilant Against the Soybean Cyst Nematode

Retired Senior Extension Educator Lynn Braband, of the NYSIPM Program, Receives the International IPM Award of Recognition for IPM Practitioner- Academic 

The 2021 International IPM Achievement Awards recognize people who have made outstanding achievements in IPM adoption, implementation, and sustainability. There are five award categories: Lifetime Achievement, IPM Practitioner (Academic), IPM Practitioner (Non-Academic), IPM Team/Group, and Graduate Student. See the full post here: 10th International IPM Symposium International IPM Achievement Awards We wish to add our…Continue Reading Retired Senior Extension Educator Lynn Braband, of the NYSIPM Program, Receives the International IPM Award of Recognition for IPM Practitioner- Academic 

February is National Pesticide Safety Education Month

Always follow all federal and state laws and policies regarding educational content and trainer credentials. The New York State Integrated Pest Management Program strongly supports education on the safe use of pesticides as just one of the INTEGRATED tools for reducing insect, weed, and disease pests in agriculture and community settings.  We’re pleased to help…Continue Reading February is National Pesticide Safety Education Month

2019-2020 Annual Report: Cereal Leaf Beetle meets Biocontrol

Cereal leaf beetle (CLB), a significant pest of wheat and barley, is typically controlled with insecticides. Timely scouting of CLB populations and spraying according to economic thresholds is an important IPM approach. Significant control could be possible with the use of a natural predator, the CLB larval parasitoid wasp, Tetrastichus julis. In Washington State, this…Continue Reading 2019-2020 Annual Report: Cereal Leaf Beetle meets Biocontrol