Be aware that Spotted Lanternfly could travel back with you!
Are you visiting the Spotted Lanternfly (Lycorma delicatula) quarantine zones within certain counties in Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, or Virginia?
If yes, beware! Citizens like you may unintentionally transport Spotted Lanternfly egg masses. While adult activity slows or stops this time of year, egg masses that were deposited on transportable items are a major part of this pest’s hitchhiking ways.
NYSIPM has made a checklist of common items that harbor egg masses (see below).
QUARANTINE MAP as of NOVEMBER 2019. Click to go to our website to expand or download and print.

Please download and print this CHECKLIST (below) and bring it with you as a reminder before traveling back into New York.

This post was provided by Brian Eshenaur and Ryan Parker in cooperation with Penn State, NYS Department of Agriculture and Markets, and the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation. Map by Karen J. English.