What Makes A Post go Viral?
What makes a viral video?
This New York Times article discusses the phenomenon of viral social media posts and how social sharing can create internet fame. This viral sensation relates to the idea of information cascades and the “following the crowd” that we discussed in class. This sensation occurs when people make the decision to join the mentality of the crowd regardless of your own private information.
This applies to the sensation of viral social media posts, and studies have found that positive status updates prompt upbeat online updates from friends at high rates. Additionally, a study found that when users vented on a rainy day, their friends in other cities (without bleak weather) posted bleak status updates more frequently than normal. This reflects the idea that individuals are using the reactions of others online when deciding what content to share- and that the decisions of others can influence how one will act. These are not senseless followings, but rather users utilizing cues from other users posts in order to make their own choices! I believe that we see this a lot on the internet and social media as individuals are influenced by the “type” of content that is popular at the moment, and based on what other people are posting, they may change their behaviors in order to better fit in.