Network Properties a Solution to Loneliness
Key network effects and properties could be used as a solution to the epidemic of loneliness in adults across the US. One example of this is the triadic closure property being used to the advantage of those looking for friendship. The triadic closure property is about nodes that are strongly connected to a third node being connected themselves, either strongly or weakly. And this property is clearly seen in actual friendship groups. For example, if I have a close friend, Amanda, and Amanda is also close friends with someone else, Aidan. Chances are, I have a fair bit of interaction with Aidan through Amanda and thus we are at the very least weakly connected, with the possibility of being strongly connected and thus close friends ourselves.
This theory could be applied to people looking for friendship. Although it is difficult, what this theorem suggests is that the best way to make friends is to have friends. Because the best chance of being connected to many other people, like in the nodes of a graph, is by having mutual friends with them and thus by being strongly connected to as many people as possible.