Network Properties a Solution to Loneliness
Key network effects and properties could be used as a solution to the epidemic of loneliness in adults across the US. One example of this is the triadic closure property being used to the advantage of those looking for friendship. The triadic closure property is about nodes that are strongly connected to a third node […]
Power Law May Not be the Best Model for Predicting Web Page Popularity It turns out that the power law as described in lecture may not be the best model predicting web page popularity. In the discussion referenced above, the answerer mentions a study that sample web pages and sorted them by unique user visits. The paper concluded that they have found a better predictor model using a […]
In the study of probability, so many questions come up with the background of ‘tossing coins.’ These problems always take ‘fair coins’, which means the coin has head and tail, into account. When tossing the coin, there might be two outcomes with the sample space S = {H, T}. Pr(Head) = Pr(Tail) = 1/2 When […]
Using Visualizations to Explore Network Dynamics
It’s sometimes hard to see how subjects we learn in class are applied to real-world cases, and this article examines network dynamics in several settings, and applies visualization tools to help understand information. The first case is of the adoption of the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) by the World Health Organizations (WHO) by different […]
The Spreading of Epidemics through Networks
The spread of epidemics through a network is like how information is spread through a social network in that it is done through nodes have connections to each other, edges. However, in a disease spreading network, edges are considered “contacts” instead of friendships, because it may not only be people who you are friends with […]
Tracking an epidemic requires computer modeling, but what if the models are wrong? The article, Tracking an epidemic requires computer modeling, but what if the models are wrong?, discusses the statistical models that attempt to predict the spread of epidemics. The problem of these computer models is the factors that are used in creating them. The first thing is that as the article states: the numbers […]
Startup Ecosystems and Game Theory This Medium article written by Christian Jantzen looks at the potential of growth of entrepreneurial ventures and startups through the lens of Game Theory. The article discusses how in evolved startup ecosystems such as can be seen in Silicone Valley, that cooperative behavior from both the founder and investor side gets rewarded and the exploitative and […]
How the M.T.A.’s Attempts to Improve the System Hurt Commuters
The M.T. A. is the main medium of transportation used by commuters in New York. Thousands of New Yorkers rely on the transit system to get to and from work but they are used to the unreliable wait times and overcrowded congestion on trains. The M.T. A. was not always like this, but two major […]
Weak and Strong Ties; How They Impact Health
Most people would consider the basis of a healthy lifestyle to rely strongly upon the close relationships that people have. It would be easy to dismiss acquaintances and “facebook friends” as having no real value, and in fact, might even be detrimental to one’s health. However, this article from the Washington Post is suggesting otherwise. […]
Using Information Cascades to Predict Civil Unrest In the wake of the many protests against the current system in the United States, whether it be the presidency or any of the controversial social issues, and the violence that ensued from many of the protests, the Pentagon is spending ample resources to find patterns in posts across platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, […]
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