Power of sophisticated investors
In his article “Price Momentum and Reversal: An Information Cascade Rationale “, Kaihua Deng examined investors’ sequential stock buying and selling behaviors and analyzed how rational investors’ perception of the market can influence the buildup of price momentum. A basic rule of stock market is that while the first few buyers can comfortably hold the […]
How “Gangnam Style” Broke YouTube
https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-30288542 https://www.technologyreview.com/s/608341/how-the-gangnam-style-video-became-a-global-pandemic/ https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?q=gangam%20style&geo=US In one of my computer science classes this semester, we recently discussed an implication that the viral video, “Gangnam Style” had on the software that is used to run YouTube. The video was first released by an artist named Psy in 2012. It spread so rapidly that it was the […]
Bayes’ Here, Bayes’ There, Bayes’ Theorem is Everywhere
To say that Bayes’ Theorem is important to statistics and analysis would be an unfair understatement. You learn it in almost every statistics class; you’ll see it in other forms of mathematics, economics, game theory, almost everywhere but the real world – or so you think. While the theory’s formula itself seems too quantitative to […]
Contagious Diffusion of Political Violence
https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/1057610X.2017.1290428 This article drew method from spatial diffusion of crime to investigate spread of terrorism across national borders from 1970-2013. The researchers defined contagious diffusion of terrorism as expand of terrorism from a host country to an adjoining country. They used Global Terrorism Database through Spatial Autocorrelation statistics analysis to uncover spatial and chronical terrorism […]
CrowdWiz: Wisdom of Crowds and Blockchain
The wisdom of Crowds is a principle that explains how the aggregation of thoughts and knowledge of individuals in a crowd are better at performing tasks such as problem-solving, decision making, and predicting than individual experts. An area that could greatly benefit from the wisdom of crowd is investment and cryptocurrencies. An Estonian start-up called […]
Information Cascade in the Financial Market
https://quantdare.com/the-herd-effect-in-financial-markets/ This article talks about the effect of information cascade in the financial market. On a daily basis, investors receive imperfect signals on the future of a stock, indicating whether this stock will rise or fall. This article highlights the process in which an information cascade may start in the financial market. There are […]
The “Bayesian Brain”
In his article “Are Brains Bayesian?,” John Horgan discusses the power and limitations of Bayes’ Rule as a model of human decision-making. In this course, we leveraged Bayes’ Rule to determine conditional probabilities, or the probability of an event, A, occurring, given that another event, B, occurs. Bayes’ rule provides a succinct quantification of decision-making […]
Youtube Suggestions and Clickbait
During class, we discussed diffusion throughout networks, cascades, and whether or not a node (a person) would adopt the strategy of other nodes. YouTube’s suggestion algorithm is designed to suggest videos to the user that are most likely to make that user watch is much as possible. The algorithm takes into account many factors, such […]
Extinction Cascades
In class, we have discussed general examples of cascading behavior in networks. While most of the examples brought forward have been related to human behavior, new research has shown that a similar processes can take place in biology as well. In this article, published by the University of Exeter, research demonstrates that an initial extinction […]
The Wisdom of the Crowds Shaping Modern Medical Research
https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-018-06950-9?utm_source=fbk_nnc&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=naturenews&sf199890617=1 The article “UK Biobank Data on 500,000 People Paves Way to Precision Medicine” describes how the United Kingdom is using the wisdom of the crowds approach to customize medical treatments for people across the nation. In order to do this, the United Kingdom established a platform named the UK Biobank, where invited individuals […]
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