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Analyzing Peer-to-Peer Lending Networks Using PageRank and Hubs & Authorities   The paper above is a final project paper from Stanford’s Analysis of Networks class. The paper explores the properties of an online peer-to-peer money lending network called Prosper, a service that has millions of users and has facilitated over two billion dollars of funded loans. The idea is simple: if you want to […]

Use of First and Second Price Auctions in Digital Marketing Industry

The linked article discusses the implementation of second and first price auction models in the digital marketing industry, specifically discussing techniques by which ad space is sold to marketers by Ad Exchanges such as Google’s DoubleClick Ad Exchange. It discusses the pros and cons of each auction models, and it is important to note that […]

Slader, Chegg, and Hostage Advertising Any company that is trying to promote their product will put considerable effort into advertising on social media. This makes sense— after all, the most effective way to target the younger generations is to focus on the socials right? This is not necessarily true, as many companies have learned throughout the years. The article […]

Braess’s Paradox on the Basketball Court

Braess’s Paradox on the Basketball Court Source: Snellings, Ryan. The LA Clippers could be beneficiaries of “The Ewing Theory.” 2017<> BRIAN. Braess’s Paradox and “The Ewing Theory” MAY 28, 2009. Blog: Gravity and levity. <> Braess’ Paradox, proposed by German Mathematician Dietrich Braess in 1968, has been widely used to explain the myth of […]

#MeToo: Information Cascades and the Power of Social Media   An information cascade is a situation where each person makes a decision/choice based on the observations or choices of others. The #MeToo movement began with the downfall of Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein, after multiple women came out and accused him of sexual assault and other sexual crimes. Since then, the New York Times […]

Google’s new and improved search   This article focuses on the improvements that google is making to their search page. I found this article particularly interesting because all of the changes they mention are in reference to google’s “search” feature, yet there is absolutely no reference to PageRank in the article. Instead, the changes they are making are looking […]

How Retailers Incorporate PageRank to Maximize Sales Through Organic Activity for Black Friday & Cyber Monday

For most Americans, ‘Black Friday’ and ‘Cyber Monday’ are often marked as the informal beginning of the country’s Christmas shopping season. While many people consider these two holidays to be nothing more than a few days dedicated to shopping, retailers often consider them as the most important days of the year. The statistics explain the […]

Revenue vs. Ethics

Earlier this year, Logan Paul stirred up controversy by uploading a YouTube video showing a “suicide forest” in Japan, where residents frequently commit suicide. In the video, he filmed the body of a person who had committed suicide by hanging. Since his content is usually target to children and young teenagers, the entire community was […]

Determining the major player in the blockchain using hubs and authorities Blockchain has been a very hot topic recently and this article digs into the Ethereum blockchain to identify the major players across the transaction network. The data set was huge so scientists first limited dataset to 10000 blocks which is from block 4100000 to block 4109999. By limiting the dataset to 10,000 blocks, scientists […]

Can algorithms solve fake news problems?

Can algorithms solve fake news problems? According to a study by the University of Oxford, the 2016 US presidential elections were full of rampant fake news all over the social media. Both Trump and Clinton camps abused big data to influence the public opinion. This phenomenon in which data is manipulated is not limited to just […]

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October 2018
