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Ties resulting from the utilization of cellular devices and Balance Theorem

Our everyday lives are immersed in these minuscule high functioning objects-cell phones- which encompass our whole world. Individuals attached to their phones experience life completely different from those that choose to remain a more conserved and traditional life. These two separate networks have entirely different outcomes, but within each network the results are highly similar and are mainly connected by strong ties. For instance, prolonged activities such as reading a book or watching a movie are virtually impossible without being distracted and checking ones phone. Since all of these outcomes contribute to one or the other, the network of individuals who use their phone satisfy the balance theorem. As virtually all individuals suffer consequences from using these devices. Likewise, individuals without a phone  share common benefits that include having more time, being more productive, and having more sleep. These benefits all form strong ties between each other. Whether these are positive or negative outcomes from not having a phone, they all originate form the lack of a phone forming positive edges between each node (outcomes).

In this situation each network has individuals that share the same experiences linked by positive edges. There is a local bridge between those who do and those who avoid cellular devices, this weak tie between the networks allow the structural balance property to be satisfied. However certain results such as sleep deprivation and lack of attention, which do not contribute to each other may cause a triangle to lack an edge. In this case both networks independently violate the strong triadic closure property because they both have two strong ties but lack one last tie to close the triangle. The edges that connect the nodes in each network are either directed or undirected. In the network that corresponds to cell phone users, the blue light from a cell phone causing sleep deprivation is a directed edge because the opposite is not possible. An undirected edge in the same network would be the action of taking multiple selfies and developing self obsession.

From a local view, the tendency of the nodes to have an influence on each other ultimately satisfies the structural balance property.  These networks also satisfy the structural balance property in a global view, as the division of the network into two mutually opposed sets makes it balanced. In sum, the overall impact of having a phone on an individual’s life is both positive and negative, and vice versa.





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