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Drake vs. Meek Mill Status: Balanced

Thus far, I have learned from this class that networks are at play in all aspects of our life. Whether it be business, academic, or personal, the abstract topics covered in lecture have very legitimate applications in the real world. What I found really interesting in the textbook readings was the idea of Structural Balance Theory, and how an unbalanced triangle undergoes deep stress due the instability of its nature, thus working to achieve a balanced status. I found this issue particularly salient in the context of recent news regarding the long drawn out feud between rappers Drake and Meek Mill: it has been resolved. The two rappers took to the stage in Boston during one of Drake’s shows to make a theatrical display of their newfound friendship. Many would argue that the small spat could hardly be considered a feud due to its lack of real competition for Drake (myself included) but that is not the core of the issue. The real struggle was endured by Nicki Minaj.

Nicki claims to have loved both of them during the time of their dispute and “felt so imprisoned in that moment,” presumably by having to deal with both sides of the ensuing diss tracks. With Nicki, Drake, and Meek all being nodes in a signed network, this would be represented by two positive links from Nicki to Drake, and Nicki to Meek, and a negative link between Drake and Meek. This obviously put a lot of stress on Nicki and her relationship with them both because our triangle is clearly unbalanced. One person having two friends that don’t get along with each other creates an unstable atmosphere for all parties involved (a triangle with 0 or 2 positive signs). Because of how social interactions work, however, and the assumption that triangles will work to become balanced eventually, it makes sense that Drake and Meek have resolved their issues and have turned the negative sign between them into a positive one. An unbalanced triangle is not sustainable in the entertainment industry in which artists are under constant surveillance by fans and paparazzi. The theory of structural balance is really important in a social context for maintaining good, healthy relationships that do not put strain on any of its participants. Whether that means uniting against a common enemy or turning feuds into friendships, the concepts of networks are key to inner workings of society.







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