Popularity on Kickstarter
Kickstarter is one of the only places where the rich get richer and the poor do as well. The crowdfunding website has produced some major success stories over the past couple years. It allows people to essentially choose which products they want to come into existence, and to receive exclusive rewards for backing projects. If […]
Nobel Prize
http://www.nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/economics/laureates/2012/press.html The article goes over how Alvin Roth and Lloyd Shapley received the Nobel Prize in economics for their work we learned about in class. The article is rather short and doesn’t go into much detail, but it does give some information about their work. An interesting fact provided by the article is that […]
Birds of a feather plank together
One trend that was particularly popular over the past year was the planking phenomenon. Planking is lying down stiff and straight like a board on a variety of surfaces. These surfaces could be mundane such as beds, chairs, or tables. Or they could be slightly more dangerous items such as cars or ledges. Planking as […]
The dynamics of the console wars
In the modern console wars, the Wii reigns king, with almost 100 million units having been sold globally. However, the operation, style, and content of the media released for the Wii is very different from that released for the PS3 and Xbox 360, so the latter two are most often compared. From an unbiased standpoint, […]
Diffusion Through Social Networks- Farming in Rwanda
A significant portion of the population in Sub-Saharan Africa relies on agricultural practices as a basic means of survival. Unfortunately, many of the small-scale farmers struggle to survive, as their productivity levels are among the lowest in the world. Researchers attribute this to a lack of knowledge about agricultural practices and technologies, as many of […]
Diseases and college networks
http://www.wndu.com/mmm/headlines/College_dorms_are_ breeding_grounds_for_disease_128834498.html This news article speaks of how college dorms are “breeding grounds for disease”. It says such diseases mononucleosis and STDs are very common. What’s important to understand from these statements is why. We realize that the article focuses on college students, and we’re going to explore why they’re at risk. In college, […]
Watered-Down Information
http://abcnews.go.com/2020/Health/t/story?id=728070&page=1 http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2006/02/0224_060224_bottled_water.html We all know that bottled water is extremely convenient wether or not your at sports practice for washing down your lunch . It is clean, healthy, taste better, and provides many benefits over tap water. That’s why everyone else drinks bottle water… right? It seems that millions of Americans are subjected to this […]
Pervasiveness of the Kubler-Ross Model of Grief
The Kubler-Ross model of grief outlines five stages that people supposedly sequentially go through with the death of a loved one—denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and finally acceptance. In Bonanno et al. (2002)’s terms, this is the “common grief” trajectory: the expectation that following a death, a person is supposed to show increased depressive symptoms for […]
Real Time Bidding in Facebook
http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-09-13/facebook-outperforming-google-in-ads-from-browsing-partners-say.html Facebook had been experiencing an increase in ad revenue, that is, advertisers are seeing that advertising on Facebook now gives them “more bang for their buck.” Before, advertisers had been pulling away from Facebook because they just weren’t seeing the results that they wanted after investing money into this social networking site. But now, […]
Pricing an item just like in auctions
Source link: http://www.inc.com/guides/price-your-products_pagen_2.html As a seller, pricing your products for auctions correctly can be very valuable and profitable. However, knowing how to price during an auction is not the easiest thing since many external factors such as the bidders, and the value they hold for the item you are selling, play a decisive role […]
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