How To Be A Great Sports Agent
This article talks about one particular sports agent’s experiences since his first signing in 1975. He mentions that there are thousands of agents and financial planners looking to sign every rookie entering professional sports. One of the first things he does is to ask the athlete what his goals and priorities are. He then asks them to be role models, to see themselves as active citizens and go back to their communities and high school and give back by building charitable organizations, etc.
The Black Stars
The relationship between agents and the athletes, and agents and professional sports teams can be likened to that of a trading network. The player is the seller, the team is the buyer and the agent is the trader. The players are selling their physical abilities to whatever teams pays the most and meets their needs and wants. The teams are looking to buy a player that fits the organization or what the organization is trying to accomplish. The agent is looking to find the best deal for both parties while making a profit in the process. Just like a trading network, there are many different buyers and sellers, each with a different value. The trader offers asks and bids to the sellers and buyers. Most times the seller/player will sell to the highest bidder. The goal of the trader is to maximize revenue. The player wins if he gets paid above or equal to his value. The team wins if they pay less than or equal to their value or if the player proves to be more valuable than they paid for. The agent wins if he/she makes profit.