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The Superior Panda Algorithm


Google is the leading search engine favored by a majority of Internet users, even though the Google search engine is relatively new. Within the span of a few years, Google has achieved significant popularity with its accurate and precise results that closely fit the user’s intention with its Panda Algorithm.

The Panda Algorithm that the Google search engine uses is what distinguishes it from its major competitors such as Internet Explorer and Yahoo. Some main advantages that the algorithm has is that it validates the websites before returning the results to the user, and that the results are not based on a best match with the query, but rather how closely the content fits. In short, the Panda Algorithm ranks quality over quantity and automatically blocks the websites that contain harmful contents. This relates to the concept of information network, where pieces of information that are related somehow are all connected to each other in the form of web links. The Google search engine is able to go through the large number of links and effectively find links that will interest the user the most while making sure that the links apply to the user based on certain user information.

Due to the large scale of the web, the Panda Algorithm comes in handy by returning the most recent and relevant query while blocking the harmful websites from the user. However, the rank of certain websites went down after Google adjusted its algorithm to incorporate user feedback signals. Social networks such as Twitter and Facebook benefited from the update and moved up the ranking while websites like that had good content such as the British Medical Journal. This has to do with the fact that the Panda Algorithm takes into account of user feedback and the quality of content of the websites. Since the links are constantly being updated, the Google search results changes as soon as the content of the website changes to give the most updated links relevant to the query.

According to the article, one major difference that separates Google and its competitors is that the updated Panda Algorithm now takes into account of the user location. When the testers typed in the same query at different countries across the world, the top results that were presented were not only the ones relevant to the query, but also the ones that best fit the user location. For example, when the user searches for drugstores, the top results are the big drugstores that exist within the country. Even though there are many webpages that contain the exact query that the user enters, the results that get back to the users are filtered. Harmful websites that might potentially threaten the user are blocked and the search engine fetches certain information from the user. Based on the information the Panda Algorithm gathers from the user, it uses a certain algorithm that assigns higher page ranks to the links that are relevant to the user geographically, query-specific, and content-specific.

Any search engine can take the query and do a direct match to the contents of a website, but no company besides Google has been able to distinguish itself from the rest of its competitors. The superiority and complexity of the Panda Algorithm is the clear advantage that Google has, and is constantly updated. With the accuracy and uniqueness of the Google engine, it is no surprise that most users favor Google over other major search engines.


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