Week 3 Check-In: National Nutrition Month 2019®

Over half way through National Nutrition Month ® – what kind of progress have you made? Remember that small steps still take you big distances. Even if you haven’t met your goal every week, each new week is a new opportunity to try again! The key is to keep trying until your goals become healthy habits.

Let’s check in on how people have been doing! My goal is to get at least 30 minutes of exercise at least five days out of the week. Here are some pictures of me tackling my goal this week:


Want to be featured on Day to Day Eats to show everyone how your National Nutrition Month ® is going? Send in your week three updates to day-to-day-eats@cornell.edu for a chance to be featured on our site!

It’s not too late to join us for National Nutrition Month ®! Check out our first post to read about what National Nutrition Month ® is and jump in with us for the rest of the month!


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