Healthy Movie Night

When we hang out and relax with a movie, we tend to grab something that’s sweet, salty, or fatty. You can get so into the movie you don’t realize you’re eating a whole bag of candy or big bowl of popcorn by yourself! (Click here to learn about mindful eating!We have all been there.

Here are some tips on how you can sit back, relax, and enjoy the show without eating a lot of high-calorie snacks!

Switch movie theater style popcorn to a healthier popcorn

Movie theater-style popcorn has a lot of butter and salt. Switching to a low salt can help you feel less dehydrated and plain  popcorn eliminates fat from your movie snacks!

You can still dress up your popcorn with some flavor by adding spices like cinnamon or sprinkling parmesan and Italian seasoning on it.

Drink water over sugary drinks

Fruit drinks and sodas taste great but they are loaded with sugars. Stick to water! You can even have infused with fruit!

Roast some vegetables

Roasted chickpeas or edamame can be a switch from popcorn that has more nutrients and can be more filling. Try dressing them up with spices, parmesan, or even sweet flavors, like a dash of brown sugar and cinnamon to dress up your veggies!

Try tortilla chips and dip

Make yourself  a homemade salsa, hummus, or guacamole. These dips pack a nutritional punch compared to candy and other typical movie snacks.


With these tips, you can enjoy a healthy movie night! Let us know if you have ideas for other healthy movie snacks!

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