Soybean Emergence and Early Plant Densities (V1-V2 Stage) in Conventional and Organic Cropping Systems in 2017

Bill Cox1, Eric Sandsted1, Phil Atkins2, and RJ Richtmyer2
Soil and Crop Sciences Section; 2New York Seed Improvement Project, Plant Breeding and Genetics Section – School of Integrative Plant Science, Cornell University

Organic compared to conventional soybean had greater early plant densities (V1-V2 stage) before the rotary hoeing operation.

We initiated a 3-year study at the Aurora Research Farm in 2015 to compare different sequences of the corn, soybean, and wheat/red clover rotation in conventional and organic cropping systems under recommended and high input management during the 3-year transition period (2015-2017) from conventional to an organic cropping system. We provided a detailed discussion of the various treatments and objectives of the study in a previous soybean article ( This article will focus on soybean emergence (days), and early plant densities (% early plant establishment) at the 1st to 2nd node (V1-2 stage) in 2017.

Corn preceded soybean in the rotation in this study. The fields were plowed on May 17 and then cultimulched on the morning of May 18, the day of planting. We used the White Air Seeder to plant the treated (insecticide/fungicide) GMO soybean variety, P22T41R2, and the non-treated non-GMO variety, 92Y21, at two seeding rates, ~150,000 (recommended input) and ~200,000 seeds/acre (high input). Unlike the corn comparison, P96Y21 is a not an isoline of P22T41R2 so only the maturity of the two varieties and not the genetics are similar between the two cropping systems. As with corn, we treated the non-GMO, 92Y21, in the seed hopper with the organic seed treatment, Sabrex, in the high input treatment (high seeding rate). Unlike corn, however, we used different row spacing in the two cropping systems with the typical 15” row spacing in the conventional cropping system and the typical 30” row spacing (for cultivation of weeds) in the organic cropping system. Consequently, the soybean comparison is not as robust as the corn comparison for emergence and early plant establishment because of the different row spacing and genetics between the two cropping systems.

Wet and cool conditions (59o F average temperature and 2.0 inches of precipitation) in the 10 days following planting resulted in relatively slow emergence and plant establishment, especially in conventional soybean. Organic soybean required about 10 days for emergence but conventional soybean required about 11 days (Table 1). The more rapid soybean emergence in the organic system is similar to 2015  ( and 2016 results ( As in previous years, variety differences rather than cropping system differences probably influenced days to emergence. Pioneer rated P92Y21, the variety used in the organic system, with a higher field emergence score (8 out of 10 rating) compared with P22T41R2 (7 out of 10), which probably contributed to the more rapid emergence in the organic system. The organic cropping system also was planted in 30 inch rows so there were 8.5 or 11.5 seeds emerging through the developing soil crust in 1 foot of row in the organic system compared with 4.25 or 5.75 seeds emerging in 1 foot of row in the conventional system. Days to emergence did not differ between the recommended and high input treatments in the organic cropping system, indicating that Sabrex, the organic seed treatment, did not hasten soybean emergence in 2017, similar to results in 2015 and 2016.

We estimated soybean plant densities at the V1-2 stage (June 2), a few hours before the rotary hoeing operation in organic soybean. Organic soybean generally had higher plant establishment rates (77% to 93%) compared with conventional soybean (71 to 82%, Table 1). Differences were more pronounced between cropping systems in the high input treatment for reasons that are unclear. We will estimate soybean densities again before the close cultivation in soybean to determine if rotary hoeing reduced soybean populations. We did not see much visual damage to soybean plants after rotary hoeing. In fact, it is conceivable that populations may increase because the rotary hoe broke the developing soil crust that had formed after the numerous heavy rain showers after planting.

Early plant populations in all treatments exceed the 114,000 threshold limit for maximum soybean yields in NY so organic and conventional soybean have similar yield potential at the V1-2 stage. Adequate control of weeds in the organic soybean will thus be the main factor in determining yield differences between organic and conventional soybeans, provided aphid infestation and/or disease incidence does not occur.

Implementing the Use of Compost in Agriculture, Turf, Landscaping and for Erosion Control

Jean F. Bonhotal and Mary Schwarz
Cornell Waste Management Institute, Soil and Crop Sciences Section, School of Integrative Plant Science, Cornell University

Over the years, we have been adding less organic material to soil; applications of compost on roadsides will control erosion and establish vegetation in local highway projects, as well as improve yield, suppress disease and improve water-holding capacity in soils. It is important to cycle organic residuals back into the soil system as would occur in an undisturbed system. Cornell Waste Management Institute is running a project to demonstrate and disseminate information to increase compost use through demonstration projects that enhance local, municipal and farm compost use, knowledge, experience and practices using locally manufactured compost products. Compost use posters from this project can be found at

Compost application on Soybean Field: Seventy-five cubic yards of compost was spread on a 2 acre plot and planted with soybeans 4 days later. Five weeks after planting, soybeans in the test plot with compost were 34”, while those in plots with no compost were 28”. At harvest, the plot with compost yielded 40.1 bushels/acre compared to 32.7 bushels/acre without compost.

Compost application for sediment and erosion control: The use of compost socks reduce sediment, fertilizers, chemicals, metals and other pollutants from reaching surface water by acting as a filter. Compost spread on slopes keeps seeds in place, offers a higher rate of plant germination and establishment and protects the soil from erosion.

April 19, 2017: Vegetation holds soil in place
Nov 8, 2016: Socks installed, compost spread
May 24, 2017: Socks capture sediment after heavy rains
May 24, 2017: Good vegetative growth on slope
Compost socks to restore an undercut bank


Organic and Conventional Corn Have Similar Emergence and Early Plant Densities in 2017

Bill Cox1, Eric Sandsted1, Phil Atkins2, and RJ Richtmyer2
Soil and Crop Sciences Section; 2New York Seed Improvement Project, Plant Breeding and Genetics Section – School of Integrative Plant Science, Cornell University

Organic corn averaged 85% to 90% early plant establishment before the rotary hoeing operation.

We initiated a 4-year study at the Aurora Research Farm in 2015 to compare different sequences of the corn, soybean, and wheat/red clover rotation in conventional and organic cropping systems under recommended and high input management during the 3-year transition period (2015-2017) from conventional to an organic cropping system. We provided a detailed discussion of the various treatments and objectives of the study in a previous corn article ( Unfortunately, we were unable to plant wheat after soybean in the fall of 2016 because green stem in soybean compounded with very wet conditions in October and early November delayed soybean harvest until November 9, too late for wheat planting. Consequently, we altered the rotations to accommodate the situation (Table 1). This article will focus on corn emergence (days) and plant densities (% plant establishment) at the V2 stage following wheat/red clover (intended previous crop before corn in the rotation) and after soybean (unintended previous crop but had to plant corn instead of wheat) before the rotary hoeing operation in the organic cropping system.

The red clover green manure crop (~3.25 dry matter tons/acre) was mowed down on May 16.  The fields were plowed on May 17, then cultimulched on the morning of May 18, the day of planting. We planted a treated (insecticide/fungicide seed treatment) GMO corn hybrid, P96AMXT, in the conventional system; and its isoline, the untreated non-GMO, P9675, in the organic cropping system at two seeding rates, ~29,600 kernels/acre (recommended input treatment) and 35,500 kernels/acre (high input). The high input organic treatment also received the organic seed treatment (in-hopper), Sabrex.

Weather conditions were cool and wet for the first 10 days after planting (59o F average temperature and 2.0 inches of precipitation). Nevertheless, corn emergence required only 9 to 10 days (Table 2), or 90 to 95 growing degree days, instead of the typical 110-120 growing degree days. Presumably, the wet soil conditions at the time of planting shortened the emergence time below the typical thermal unit requirement. Surprisingly, the non-GMO P9675, with or without the organic seed treatment (only in high input), compared with its isoline, the GMO P9675AMXT with seed treatment (insecticide/fungicide), emerged at the same time. In 2014, another year with wet and cool conditions, the GMO hybrid emerged about 0.50 days more rapidly than the non-GMO hybrid ( Days to emergence did not differ between the recommended and high input treatments in the organic cropping system, indicating that Sabrex, the organic seed treatment, did not hasten corn emergence in 2017, similar to results in 2015 and 2016.

We estimated corn plant densities in all treatments at the V2 stage (June 2), just prior to the rotary hoeing operation. We will take measurements before the subsequent close cultivation to determine to what extent the rotary hoeing operation reduced corn densities in the organic cropping system. Visual observation, however, indicated very little damage. Corn emergence was relatively high in 2016 (Table 2) given the wet and cool conditions. Conventional and organic corn generally had 85% to 90% plant establishment with no significance difference between cropping systems. In previous years, organic compared with conventional corn had significantly fewer plants/acre. Measurements in the two previous years, however, were taken shortly after the rotary hoeing operation, which probably reduced early plant densities in organic corn. Percent early plant establishment did not differ between the recommended and high input treatments in the organic cropping system, indicating that Sabrex, the organic seed treatment, did not improve stand establishment in 2017, similar to results in 2015 and 2016. Likewise, the previous crop (wheat/red clover or soybean), did not influence plant densities at the V2 stage in organic and conventional cropping systems.

Based on the crop emergence and plant density data at the V2 stage, organic and conventional corn have the same yield potential. It remains to be seen if plant densities are similar between cropping systems after the numerous cultivations, especially the rotary hoe and close cultivation operations, in organic corn.



Alternaria leaf spot of wheat in New York

Michael R. Fulcher, Jaime A. Cummings, and Gary C. Bergstrom
School of Integrative Plant Science, Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology Section, Cornell University

Fig 1. Foliar lesions photographed during grain filling. The bleached white centers and dark irregular margins are unique to this wheat pathogen. Photo by Gary Bergstrom.

A new foliar disease of wheat was found in New York in summer 2015. The disease was spotted in Monroe County at a regional wheat variety trial conducted as part of the Cornell Small Grains Project under the direction of Mark Sorrells. The Cornell Field Crops Pathology Program lead by Gary Bergstrom first identified the pathogen and has continued to study this disease. Symptoms are distinct from other foliar diseases of wheat, and lesions resemble those of scald on barley, i.e., with bleached white centers and dark borders. Damage occurs primarily on leaves but can also be seen on spikes and occasionally stems (Figures 1-3). We are calling this new disease ‘Alternaria leaf spot’ as it is caused by fungal isolates shown by matching DNA sequences to belong within the diverse Alternaria infectoria species group. This group includes fungi with no demonstrated pathogenic ability as well some wheat pathogens known to cause disease outbreaks that range from minor to severe in other countries. Yet no previous report of fungi in this species group has been associated with the very distinctive foliar lesions we have observed in New York.

Fig 2. Bleached glumes with the characteristic dark margins on a wheat spike. Photo by Jaime Cummings.

Alternaria leaf spot was confirmed in Monroe County, at two separated sites near Lake Ontario, during the past two growing seasons. We are now confirming a likely reoccurrence in Monroe Co. in 2017. We are also using comparative DNA sequencing to determine if the same pathogen was the cause of unusual glume symptoms observed on winter wheat in Jefferson County, also near Lake Ontario, in 2015. Though not confirmed outside of a small geographic area, the disease has occurred in both variety trial plots and commercial fields. All the varieties observed at these locations, over 60 soft white and red winter wheats, have been susceptible to the pathogen. Damage to the flag leaf in severely impacted fields may be significant enough to cause a reduction in yield. However, the disease seems to require an unusually long period of leaf wetness to develop, which may explain why we are finding the disease in maritime environments with persistent fog and dew. No information exists at this time about the efficacy of foliar fungicides against this pathogen and no fungicides are registered for this use. Further research into the pathogen’s complete distribution, inoculum sources, and appropriate management strategies is ongoing. For now, we recommend continuing to scout fields and managing more common pathogens as necessary.

Fig 3. Three leaves with different levels of disease severity. Photo by Michael Fulcher.

The recent discovery of Alternaria leaf spot in New York is the first recorded incidence of the disease in the United States. We suspect that this disease is more widespread than we currently know. We are cooperating with wheat pathologists in other states to diagnose symptoms they have observed that are similar to those that we have attributed to Alternaria leaf spot in New York. If you encounter symptoms of Alternaria leaf spot, please contact your local field crops extension educator or the Cornell Field Crops Pathology Program.

Funding for this work is provided by USDA-NIFA Hatch grant NYC153436, and the Mycological Society of America through the Emory Simmons Research Award.

