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Analysis of the Ebola Outbreak through Networks

In the New York Times, Michael T. Osterholm, the director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota, gives an analysis of the current pressing concerns of the Ebola outbreak in West Africa which has killed thousands of people since its inception several months ago.  In particular, he contrasts the […]

Structural Balance in Twitter Topic Networks

I recently came across an article analyzing the structures of twitter topic networks.  Within the article, the authors identified six main network types that often form: the polarized crowd, tight crowd, brand clusters, community clusters, broadcast network, and support network.  Of these different types, the polarized crowd struck me as it highlighted many of the […]

Game Theory in the NBA – a Game of Chicken

Article referenced: An ongoing issue in the NBA is tanking, or purposely losing games at the end of the season in hopes of securing a better draft pick. This issue exists as well in other sports, but for many reasons it is easier to study in the NBA. The article examines the incentives of different […]

Spotify Recommendations and the Strong Triadic Closure Property

As many already know, Spotify has recently overtaken the online music industry. With its sleek design, plethora of music to choose from, and countless playlists users can browse through, there is no wonder why this application has become a staple for most computers, tablets, and mobile phones out there today. However, because companies are constantly […]

Determining the Anonymity of Bitcoin using Networks

The concept of remaining truly anonymous on the Internet is a very elusive idea. One area where this has been of particular interest recently is in the use of Bitcoin in creating anonymous digital transactions. Bitcoin was created around 2009 by researcher Satoshi Nakamoto as an attempt to exploit the power of the Internet to […]

Childproofing the Internet

My nine-year old brother would happily spend his entire weekend designing model rocketships, building impressively creeper-proof houses in Minecraft, and reading about the neurology of a kangaroo.  He’s an intelligent, active kid with some time on his hands — and, like most intelligent, active kids, he spends a whole lot of time on the internet. […]

Rumors, False Information, and Debunking in Social Networks

Have you ever noticed how quickly a rumor seems to spread? One moment, only a few people are in the know, but in the next, everyone and their aunt seem to be aware of the newest juicy piece of gossip. This phenomenon is magnified on social media networks. Cleverly titled and oh-so-interesting rumors about politics, […]

A Network for War

World War One, known as the Great War, was a devastating conflict that ripped apart Europe and the powers that reigned control over politics for the 19th and early 20th centuries. This event caused the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people and the destruction of towns and cities, and dramatically changed the course of […]

Why You Must Rethink How You Build Relationships In The 21st Century

“The digitization of relationships has fundamentally changed what it means to build a network in the 21st century.”  Network literacy is now a requirement in order to succeed in the modern world.  This skill set helps individuals and businesses build their networks.  In a world where an abundance of information is trafficked through the web […]

Open Garden Mesh Networking Open Garden is a company that uses mesh networking to connect people to the internet even when they aren’t able to connect directly through Wi-Fi or their mobile provider. While this service has been used most frequently for mobile devices, the company recently announced that they would be expanding it to the “Internet of […]

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Blogging Calendar

September 2014
