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Video: Concur Update at CIT Town Meeting

On January 25, 2017, Robin Yager, Concur Project Functional Lead, and Dan Dwyer, Concur Project Director, provided an update about the project at a CIT town meeting. A presentation similar to this will be made to other phase 1 pilot participants over the next few weeks. It includes:

  • The runway to implementation, beginning in December 2014.
  • Implementation, initiated July 2016.
  • Primary components of Concur.
  • Next steps.
  • A short video from Concur that highlights the more popular features that help simplify travel and reimbursement.
  • Q&A

If the embedded video won’t play for you, visit:

For more information about Concur, see Concur to Offer an Improved Experience for University Travelers.

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