Although pests and pest management are a tiny part of what you think about each day in a child care business, when pest activity occurs (such as ants in food, mouse droppings in toy bins, head lice on children, or a wasp sting), pests can become the #1 top priority of the day.
The New York State Integrated Pest Management Program’s mission: helping you prevent pest problems and reduce or eliminate pesticide use. After all, pests and pesticides both pose greater risks to children, with their rapidly growing bodies, than they do to adults. But to really meet your needs, we’d like to ask a favor — help us plan for new programs and materials that in turn will help you deal with the issues and situations at the top of your must-solve list.
A postcard was sent to all child care centers asking for you to complete a 10 minute survey that will help Cornell plan for new programs and materials that in turn will help you deal with the issues and situations at the top of your must-solve list. Participants will be entered into a drawing for one of many free on-site trainings by a Cornell University pest-management expert.
Didn’t receive or misplaced your post card? Contact Joellen Lampman to request the survey web address.
It’s a good idea, i hope that that the other universities in our country use your plan also. Very interesting . Thank you