The Controversial Subject of Torture

At last week’s Rose Cafe, Dr. Cheesman and Pornpen Khongkachonkiet provided a very interesting perspective and greater understanding of torture. Torture is definitely not a dinner-table topic, and while I was aware of how intense the conversation would be, I thought this Rose Cafe was interesting and thought-provoking.

Dr. Cheesman’s academic work on torture focuses on if it actually, quote-on-quote, works. It’s difficult to even pose this kind of question because it’s basically letting go of one’s ethics and view of humane treatment to subjecting a person to utmost pain in return for wanted information. Mr. Kkhongkachonkiet also provided great insight to this controversy. Is torture really worth giving up one’s moral values? Is it right to receive information in return for the degradation of human value as a human being?

I think that this talk definitely is prevalent to many issues that we have today in society, as well as the contemporary view on torture. It’s a difficult concept to grasp, but I certainly was challenged to ponder over the issue.

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