Clay at the Johnson

On a rainy Thursday afternoon, I and group of other Rose Scholars made our way up to the Johnson Museum for an afternoon clay making session. After a quick art history lesson where we viewed various Pre-Columbian pieces of clay artwork, we were brought to the studio and given the opportunity to create our own masterpiece.

Inspired by the walk through of the Johnson’s clay collection, I decided to embark on the ambitious task of crafting a full fledged teapot. The last time I had touched a piece of wet clay I was still an avid Jonas Brother’s fan, so needless to say the teapot went south quickly. Regardless, I had fun molding my clay into various shapes and sizes and taking my mind off the endless work I had waiting for me when I got back to my dorm.

The hour went by incredibly quickly and I was reminded why I love attending Rose Events at the Johnson. The activity is always something fun, creative, and surprisingly cathartic to a stressed out college student, and this one was no different.

2 thoughts on “Clay at the Johnson

  1. I wish I had been able to attend this event, the clay making session sounds like a lot of fun! I also have found the Johnson events I attended in the past to be great stress relievers. My major is mostly reading and writing with little opportunities for artistic expression so I really enjoyed the opportunities to do something outside of my normal routine.

  2. Unfortunately, I have not attended any Johnson Museum events in the past, though they sound extremely fun and de-stressing. I feel that at these events, you can truly let your creativity flow and focus on something other than the date of your next prelim. I agree with comment above that doing something outside of the norm is fantastic. It is nice knowing that the Johnson Museum offers these events.