A Spiritual Fight

The professor: Tai-Chi’s Journey West juxtaposed America’s turbulent 60’s with an Eastern art that has stood the test of time. As a daughter of Chinese-immigrants, the Professor’s attempt to unify the east and west in his classroom resonated with me personally. I’ve learned that it’s not always easy to bring together two cultures, and the older I get, the more difficult it seems.

Though tai-chi may have once taught enough skills to hold a person in a fight, in today’s age, I feel like it could not to the same extent. I see tai-chi more as a personal skill that shows resiliency and discipline but may not have as much external use as it once did. The film showcased Eastern values through tai-chi’s use of grace, serenity, and introspection, and it reminded me of other practices like yoga and meditation.

Overall, the professor’s journey is admirable and adds to America’s great mix of multi-cultural practices. It reminded me of the importance of being at peace with oneself, the ability for people to communicate beyond words, and has inspired me to practice yoga and meditate more regularly.



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