The Rose Scholars Program

Last week I attended a Rose Cafe where we talked about the Rose Scholars Program. Dr. Hill asked us to reflect on the last year and to think of the things that we liked/didn’t like. I’m really happy that I decided to apply to be a Rose Scholar because I learned a lot of things that I wouldn’t have otherwise. I went to Rose Cafes that were about topics such as Cornell Dining, the Cornell tennis team, Flora Rose, Human Ecology etc. I really learned more about the University, and I think that being a part of this program has enhanced my time at Cornell.

One suggestion that I have for next year is to have more science/ math speakers come in for the Rose Cafes. A lot of the speakers have been in economics and liberal arts, and I think that it would be interesting to have a Physics professor come in and give a basic rundown of some of the more interesting parts of physics/ their research. A  lot of people do research here on campus, and I think it would be interesting if we could get a couple of speakers to talk about what they’re doing so that we not only know more about their subject, but also so that we’re more aware on what’s going on on campus. I think that a lot of people, myself included, live in a bubble where they only things that are going on in their major, so I think that it would be beneficial to learn more about the Cornell community at large.

2 thoughts on “The Rose Scholars Program

  1. I agree, with you that there should be more speakers in the sciences. I’ve been to ten or so Rose Cafe talks, and the vasts majority of them were about society. I don’t remember any talks about the arts either. A larger variety of topics would go far in increasing interest in the Rose Cafe.

  2. While I am a humanities major, I agree that it would be great if we had more of a variety for the Rose Cafe talks. I do love exploring different topics, and I definitely think that it would be great for the talks to cover a variety of subjects that can serve the interests of the population as a whole.