Rose Mingling

Last Wednesday, some of us were able to sit down with Dr. Hill to talk about the Rose Scholar Program and possible improvements. Overall, the feedback for the program was positive. However, some improvements were suggested. One that stood out to me was the possibility of rotating the types of events through a set schedule of times throughout the week. I think this would be a great improvement. I am mainly only able to make it to the Rose Cafes, which are very interesting, but I wish I was able to be exposed to more of the events while not skipping my other engagements.

An improvement that I suggested was a type of forced bonding among the Rose Scholars at the beginning of each semester. I think that this would greatly change the dynamic of the program. If wanting to join became more about the people in the program and less about having a bed in Rose House the following year, this could help begin to create a culture that the house would be known for. It is also beneficial for each Rose Scholar, as making new friends is always fun but can sometimes be daunting.

This forced bonding could also be integrated into the application process to be a part of the Rose Scholars Program. If events were held where potential applicants were able to mingle with former Rose Scholars and learn about their experiences, as well as meet some of the other applicants, this could create a sense of camaraderie and further the creation of a Rose House culture.

One thought on “Rose Mingling

  1. Yes. Forced bonding is key. It’s funny because we have been in Rose for a year, and I hardly know anyone except for these girls on my floor that I sit with every time I go to an event. However, I also think it would be nice to meet more people. We should bond! Forcefully!