Letter to Julia 4/21/17

Dear Julia,

In my opinion Dr. Strangelove is 10/10 great movie. It’s the best kind of satire. The whole film is completely ludicrous while remaining somehow painfully believable. It perfectly captures the absurdity of Cold War paranoia and jingoism. Everything I’ve ever read about the Cold War just reinforces how dangerous unstable that time was for both Americans and Soviets. One thing I thought about as we watched this movie during the event was how many classic movies have taken America to task for its role in the Cold War, like. There’s especially a lot of movies that focus on the Vietnam War like Forrest Gump, Apocalypse Now, Full Metal Jacket. (On the other hand there’s movies like Rocky IV where Sylvester Stalone pretty much defeats Communism through boxing) I bet there’s a lot written somewhere about how film was and is a tool for society to come to terms with American history with. If that was a class at Cornell I’d definitely take it.




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