Thoughts on the Super Bowl

Each Year, a significant portion of the american populace gather in front of their televisions to watch the biggest sporting event of the year, the Super Bowl. this year, the New England Patriots and the Atlanta Falcons will play for the glory of raising the Lombardi Trophy. Off the field, a large commercial onslaught occurs as, corporations and businesses all battle for one of the coveted commercial spots that air between the plays. The NFL has lost a large amount of its appeal for me over the years. The NFL seems very artificial and restrained to me; in fact, I have switched to college football as my primary source of sports entertainment because of the NFL has been going. With Massively commercialized games to rampant off the field issues that some of the athletes get themselves into, I’ve looked elsewhere for entertainment. Hopefully some changes will be made by the time Super Bowl 52 comes around.

One thought on “Thoughts on the Super Bowl

  1. If I were a Pats fan I would probably lose interest in the NFL as well. No Fun League is so true when your team uses some voodoo magic to win all the time.