Little Interview Wisdom

I attended the seminar event about interviews with GRF Sara. She shared her incredible wealth of experience with us in just an hour. I think some of her tips were not exclusive to interview situations, but applied to many different circumstances.

One of the most valuable pieces of wisdom she conveyed to us was about recognizing whether you fit in the work environment during the interview. Even if someone does research on the company beforehand, (which everyone should do!) it can be hard to know if you would fit in with the company culture. I felt that this was not only interview advice, but also life advice. Sometimes, I think people want to fit into a certain environment, os they mold themselves into what that place appears to convey and encourage. However, it is best to just be yourself because that is the only way you will know if you will really like it and feel as if you truly fit in.

Another piece of invaluable advice was to turn the interview into a two-way conversation between equals. Then you can let your best characteristics come through and not feel as nervous as you otherwise might be. I think this advice applies to many situations in which others might evaluate you or you might want to make a good impression on someone of importance. Letting the person know you have valuable talents to contribute too might be the best way to make a good impression as a confident, capable person who is fit for the job or internship.

I was glad I attending this seminar. It really opened my eyes to how life lessons apply to interview situations. I also feel that these tips will help me present myself in a better way to not only interviewers, but to anyone I meet who is in a position of power to help me in my career.

One thought on “Little Interview Wisdom

  1. I enjoyed reading your post. You brought up a great point that Sarah’s advice extends beyond interviewing. Being your authentic self in interviews and throughout your career is so important to coming across as genuine.