Different Kinds of Fats

I went to a Rose Cafe where I learned about fats. One thing that I found really interested is that one of the reasons that some fats are preferred over others is because governments promote different kinds of fats. For example, the Malaysian government promotes the consumption of palm oil both domestically and abroad because they are one of the world’s largest producers of palm oil. Countries like Malaysia spend a lot of time and money to get us to consume, for example, palm oil over canola. Due to these different viewpoints, there is a lot of conflicting research about which types of fats are good, and just because something is considered to be healthy now, does not mean that it will remain that way in the future.

Before going to this talk I really didn’t think about the different kinds of fats. I tried to avoid saturated and trans fat, but besides that I really didn’t consider where I was getting my fat from. I think that because there is a lot of conflicting information out there, it’s hard to determine conclusively whether one kind of fat is better than another. I believe that the best thing to do might be to eat the different kinds of fats in moderation.

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