Project Mayhem: A metric for Values

Fight club, a movie that must be watched-I was told as a teenager by my friends. And I have watched this twice before; however, watching it this time in Rose with Dr. Hill’s preamble and closing and also with my evolved value system gave me a different impression. Fist time when I watched fight club, the fight scene and the surface level visibility of masculinity was something that I admired and revered. I think when I watched it the second time, after developing a critique of materialism and state-supported corporate capitalism may be 6/7 months ago, I admired the revolutionary theme in the movie. Given, that I didn’t expect my reading of the movie to change much. But, watching it this time my impression of the movie did change, I saw and felt differently.
I definitely saw the very deep, but subtly placed critique of masculinity and violence. Also, I am not very sure about its radical revolutionary message either. The brilliance of the movie lies in the ambiguity of the message it carries. I got the impression that the movie was conveying a message that radical revolution leads to mindless violence and total destruction; therefore, it will behoove us to not rocking the boat too hard. After watching the movie for the third time and hearing Dr.Hill’s closing remarks on the movie, I understand this movie’s messages are deeply woven in the script, only a close reader of the film will understand it. I think Fight Club is a movie that I want to watch every couple of years to see, how my understanding and values have evolved.

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