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Need Keys or Card Access?

Individuals desiring key or card access to any spaces in the Physical Sciences Complex are required to complete the Workday Learning course “PSCFM 7010-WBT-2017.09.01 – Physical Sciences Complex Orientation”.  This course will guide you with an on-line survey through the required training and safety assessments necessary to work safely in the laboratories or offices within our complex.  This survey and safety assessment must be completed with assistance from your supervisor or lab group safety representative (GSR).  For a list of the current GSR’s, please visit the following web page:

Below is the link to Workday Learning where you can access the course PSCFM 7010-WBT-2017.09.01:

Once you complete the Physical Sciences Complex Orientation, the form below must be completed in order to obtain keys or card access.

PSC Key-Card Access Request Form_rev10_Fillable PDF

Below is a list of department representatives authorized to sign off in Section 2 of this key-card access form in lieu of your supervisor if they are not available to sign off due to travel, etc.

LASSP:  Bethany Dixon, 420 PSB

AEP: Cheri Sigmund (crs13), 270 Clark Hall

LEPP: Katerina Malysheva (evm23), 455 PSB

Chemistry: Sharon Van De Mark (smv1), 120 Baker Lab

Physics:  Casey Kaye Neville (ckn35), 117 Clark Hall

Below is a list of Learning Group Administrators for each department authorized to sign off in Section 3 of this key-card access form:

LASSP:  Bethany Dixon, 420 PSB or Brenda Smith, 511 Clark Hall

LEPP: Katerina Malysheva (evm23), 455 PSB or Dwight Widger (dww3), 220 Wilson Lab

AEP: Jon Velazquez (jv16), 239 Clark Hall

Chemistry: Vonnie Ellis (yme2), 120 Baker Lab or Sharon Van De Mark (smv1), 120 Baker Lab

Physics: Casey Kaye Neville (ckn35), 117 Clark Hall

CCMR: John Sinnott (jps39), 621 Clark Hall

PRAXIS: Stacy Clementson (sdc225), 350 Duffield Hall

Cornell Center for Social Sciences (CCSS):  Michelle Lucio (ml2783)


Once this form is complete, then you can obtain keys or card access in person as indicated below:

Clark Hall

Robert Kenyon (rmk16), G22 Clark Hall, Desk – 255-5079

Physical Sciences Building

Tracy Davenport (tdd26), G72 PSB, Desk – 255-1023

Baker Lab or ST Olin

Sharon Van De Mark (smv1), 120 Baker Lab, Desk – 255-3642

Rockefeller Hall

Jonathan Lagasse (jl4463), B27 Rockefeller, Desk- 255-6034