Accidents, Incidents and Emergencies
Potentially life-threatening emergencies should be reported immediately to the Cornell Police by using the direct dial emergency phones in the corridors (below the red lights or blue lights), by dialing 911 on any department phone or 607-255-1111 from a mobile phone.
Fires, even when extinguished must be reported to Cornell Police. Cornell Police will contact the EHS department responsible for investigating fires on campus. This team will also ensure that ensure that used units are replaced.
Accident/Incident Reports
An incident report must be completed for injury free incidents, as well as those resulting in physical injuries, work-related illnesses, and potential exposure to hazardous substances. Employees must report these incidents to their supervisor immediately and submit a report using the online reporting interface within 24 hours of occurrence, or as soon as the required information is obtained.
- University Online Accident/Injury Reporting Database
Cornell Environmental Health & Safety Home Page
For less urgent safety issues, please contact the Physical Sciences Complex Safety Manager:
Keane Leitch, Safety Manager
121 Baker Laboratory