So they are saying snow but I am encouraged by the blooming of the tree outside my office window and the things that keep appearing at home!
There is just a TON of information out at the moment. Let’s see if I can squeeze a lot in a small space here.
Greenhouse Product News’ Ornamental Disease Digest- Diseases by crop and lots of articles by Margery Daughtrey and Ann Chase – always edifying and entertaining.
It’s dinnertime but still – “Edible Alerts’? They are e-GRO’s list of information on topics relating to vegetables and herbs grown in the greenhouse and hydroponic production. Things like basil fusarium wilt, greenhouse tomato diseases and disorders, and pythium on hydroponic lettuce.
And don’t forget the regular e-GRO alerts – this year we have already had some on black root rot (Thielaviopsis to those of you in the know who like to use lots of letters), scouting plug trays (you all do, right?) and aphids in hanging baskets.
We have a project on-going looking at aphid management and plant nutrition. Overfertilized plants have more aphids, right? Well maybe – but stay tuned. Still, using controlled release fertilizers can help prevent waste of nutrients. What do you know about them? Check here for lots of information!
Do you know what Pycnanthemum is? Pollinators don’t care what it is called, they just like it. It keeps coming up on top in pollinator ‘ taste trials’ – for NYS IPM trials and at Penn State, too. I’ve already had requests for where it can be purchased! (psst – It’s mountain mint)
Do you know your pythium from your phytophthora? It does matter when you want to control them.
A use for humidity?
I know you are all busy with the early spring so have a great week!