Thank you to Margaret Tuttle McGrath with the Long Island Horticultural Research & Extension Center for providing the following content and opportunity! Extension plant pathologists from across the region are seeking gardener assistance with monitoring downy mildews affecting cucurbit plants and basil. Cucurbits include cucumber, winter squash, summer squash, watermelon, and assorted gourds. Occurrence of…Continue Reading Help! Gardener Assistance Needed with Monitoring Downy Mildews
Bad News for Basil
Planning on pesto? Basil downy mildew can leave you with a pot of pasta and no sauce. Basil downy mildew is a disease that can survive on the seed and infect the plant as soon as it germinates. It can also travel by airborne spores and infect plants that started out clean. It only affects…Continue Reading Bad News for Basil