Market Veggies Year Round

Get your veggies to market when demand for local produce is high — and so are prices. High tunnels, akahoop houses, are freestanding, low-cost alternatives to greenhouses. Though unheated, they trap enough solar energy to grow hardy crops throughout the winter, helping you keep revenues up 12 months a year. Whether you’re an established grower…Continue Reading Market Veggies Year Round

Where to Leave Your Leaves?

At this time of year, the trees that surround our homes carpet our lawns in glorious golds and scarlets, but what can we do with all those leaves? Most municipalities disallow burning, so that means they must either be mulched, added to the compost, or taken away.  Often, a city offers curbside pickup service, usually…Continue Reading Where to Leave Your Leaves?

Putting Your Lawn to Bed

It’s November, too late for fertilizing your lawn. In fact, a new law bans application of lawn fertilizers on turf after Dec. 1.  It’s also too late to seed—though recently seeded areas may still benefit from warm temperatures. You can mulch leaves on your lawn now, without hurting the grass. One study even shows that…Continue Reading Putting Your Lawn to Bed

Don’t Let Carpenter Ants Renovate Your Home!

Carpenter ants are the most common ant pest found in the Northeastern United States. They cause structural damage when they excavate wood for nest sites. Unlike termites, carpenter ants do not eat wood, but rather scavenge on dead insects and collect sugary secretions (“honeydew”) produced by other insects such as aphids. Carpenter ants are a…Continue Reading Don’t Let Carpenter Ants Renovate Your Home!

Curiosity and Responsiveness Strong Attributes of New Vegetable IPM Educator

We are pleased to announce that Marion Zuefle, M.S., has joined our staff as a vegetable IPM educator. Zuefle, who previously served as a NYS IPM vegetable implementation specialist and fruit survey technician, will work closely with growers and researchers around New York and the Northeast. More recently, Marion has taken responsibility for the sweet…Continue Reading Curiosity and Responsiveness Strong Attributes of New Vegetable IPM Educator

The Heat’s On for Mums

If you’ve been warmer than you’d like of late, so have your mums. Pythium root rot likes it hot — and it likes mums, especially when their roots are stressed. Though this killer disease is widespread, it keeps a low profile when conditions don’t suit it — kicking into high gear when they do. Say…Continue Reading The Heat’s On for Mums

Just Ask: Pests A to Z

Well … maybe not Z. Not this time around. Bugs that infest your pantry or bite you at night … those intractable weeds … the rot on your peony blossoms — each is a pest. Even mildew (yes, mildew) is technically a pest. Our IPM educators statewide are writing up their quarterly reports even as we speak….Continue Reading Just Ask: Pests A to Z

Hops High-Rise

100 years ago, New York growers had a lock on the hops business, and New York’s “International Hop Stock Exchange” controlled prices worldwide. Then downy mildew struck. This devastating disease ravaged hopyards throughout the East and Midwest. Now the Pacific Northwest is the hops capitol of the world. But as appreciation of craft beers and microbrews…Continue Reading Hops High-Rise

Fireflies and … “Four Firsts” in Field Crops

Fireflies are out and about, here and there — and when you see them, know that corn rootworms are most likely hatching. If this is year one of a corn rotation, not to worry. Otherwise — scout. Small investment, big returns.   Stable fly adults — ouch — have emerged via slowly growing larvae from…Continue Reading Fireflies and … “Four Firsts” in Field Crops

Skeeters, Ticks, and the Sandy Connection

Metro-New Yorkers can count on mosquitoes being even more of a hassle this year. Wherever Hurricane Sandy carved belowground gullies, however small, beneath streets or buildings — mosquitoes will find them. That’s because the rainwater that pools underground provide all the room these mosquitoes need to lay eggs….Continue Reading Skeeters, Ticks, and the Sandy Connection