Search: “mosquito”

Just Ask: Pests A to Z

Well … maybe not Z. Not this time around. Bugs that infest your pantry or bite you at night … those intractable weeds … the rot on your peony blossoms — each is a pest. Even mildew (yes, mildew) is technically a pest. Our IPM educators statewide are writing up their quarterly reports even as we speak….

Skeeters, Ticks, and the Sandy Connection

Metro-New Yorkers can count on mosquitoes being even more of a hassle this year. Wherever Hurricane Sandy carved belowground gullies, however small, beneath streets or buildings — mosquitoes will find them. That’s because the rainwater that pools underground provide all the room these mosquitoes need to lay eggs….

In Greenhouses, Good Science = Good ¢

In the cold Northeast, heat costs money. And no one knows it better than greenhouse growers. With Mother’s Day just around the corner, growers are ramping up for one of their biggest sales days of year — which until now, has meant cranking up the thermostat.   Not any more. Growers want to save money…