Category: Turf

Tick Talk, Tick Checks, Tick Folklore — and More to Come

I needed some quick advice on ticks. So I went to NYS IPM’s tick webpage and saw — oops. This page is due for a makeover. Now. Why? Conventional wisdom has it that a (so-called) deer tick needs to be attached to its host for at least 24 hours before it can transmit Lyme disease….Continue Reading Tick Talk, Tick Checks, Tick Folklore — and More to Come

World-class Golf Comes Home. Thank You, IPM

The Barclays PGA Tournament kicks off the FedEx Cup playoff in professional golf. This year it’s right here, right now — at Bethpage State Park on Long Island in downstate New York. The IPM (integrated pest management) piece of this story? Here’s where we tested, developed, and showcased preventive, threshold-based IPM protocols that can steeply…Continue Reading World-class Golf Comes Home. Thank You, IPM

Climate, Weather, Data: Crops and Landscapes

With all the talk about climate change you might wonder how it will affect food production, pests, and even landscapes—and what you can do about it. From the Valentine’s Day massacre winter freeze to plant life gasping for water, changing weather patterns have affected our crops all over the Northeast. Learn how gathering information on…Continue Reading Climate, Weather, Data: Crops and Landscapes

Hiring Now: Four New NYS IPM Posts

The New York State IPM Program seeks four new staff to amplify our IPM outreach and research for farms and communities around New York. Here are the positions (three of them new) we seek to fill: Biocontrol Specialist (Extension Associate) Alternative Weed Management Specialist (Extension Associate) Coordinator for the Network for Environment and Weather Applications…Continue Reading Hiring Now: Four New NYS IPM Posts

Invasive Species Are on the Move — Help Stop Them

It’s the 3rd Invasive Species Awareness Week (ISAW) in New York. Groups statewide have sponsored activities July 10 – 16. We invite you to join in and learn how to protect your favorite natural areas. What’s at stake? Some of the greatest harm both to our environment and agriculture is caused by invasive plants and animals…Continue Reading Invasive Species Are on the Move — Help Stop Them

For Wasps, Prevention Is Key — and the Time Is Now

Most of the wasps we’re too familiar with (and afraid of) are sociable with their own kind, building large nests in trees or underground. The problem is when they build nests under your eaves, picnic tables, or even (if you’re a farmer) under the seat of that baler  you’re about to rev up as part…Continue Reading For Wasps, Prevention Is Key — and the Time Is Now

Dandelions? Wasps? Mice? For Every Season There Is a Purpose (But It’s Not Always Obvious)

It’s spring fever. That is what the name of it is. And when you’ve got it, you want — oh, you don’t quite know what it is you do want, but it just fairly makes your heart ache, you want it so! — Mark Twain For IPMers who answer homeowner questions, what many people want…Continue Reading Dandelions? Wasps? Mice? For Every Season There Is a Purpose (But It’s Not Always Obvious)

Futuristic Billboard Kills Zika Mosquitoes

Its creators call this a billboard. And while it has much in common with the classy, upscale billboards now peppering cities and towns around the world, this particular model is actually a sophisticated piece of equipment — built to attract mosquitoes from more than a mile away. The goal: to intercept and kill mosquitoes —…Continue Reading Futuristic Billboard Kills Zika Mosquitoes

BioBlitz! Earth Day Helps Teach Appreciation of Wild Things on Golf Courses

It’s BioBlitz time. Beginning on Earth Day (Friday, April 22) and running through Migratory Bird Day (Saturday, May 24), hundreds of Audubon International-certified golf courses are hosting events for golfers, their families, their friends (kids too) — to see who can find and ID as many plants and critters (bugs and mushrooms count too) as…Continue Reading BioBlitz! Earth Day Helps Teach Appreciation of Wild Things on Golf Courses

Every Season Is Tick Season

At IPM we call it the black-legged tick because that’s its true name. Yet most people in North America — perhaps even you, dear reader — call it the deer tick. A name with curious stories to tell. But first the commercial: every season is tick season. Impervious to all but the most bitter cold,…Continue Reading Every Season Is Tick Season