… and now, more than ever, poison ivy’s gonna make you itch. (The Rolling Stones) I remember the first time I had poison ivy. The particulars are long lost along memory lane. Even so, it was unforgettable. Most likely I was about five years old and, as a born and bred tomboy, I’d been scrambling…Continue Reading Poison ivy (like the Rolling Stones said …)
The Craziest of Worms
They sound kind of cute, right? “Crazy worms” that could actually amuse you? Gyrating in a box of soil, say, sort of like disco dancers? (I’m showing my age here.) Oh. And trust me; I’m not going off topic here: for many kinds of fish, fishing season started a few days ago. A date that…Continue Reading The Craziest of Worms
Planning for pollinators: No time like now
$1.15 billion. That’s what the 450 species of wild pollinators that call New York home contribute to our agricultural economy each year. But we’ve seen alarming declines in pollinators of every stripe and color. Some are bees and wasps. Others are flies and butterflies (and on the night shift, moths). Their loss is worrisome to…Continue Reading Planning for pollinators: No time like now
Maple pest saps maple syrup production
Published on January 25, 2018 as Not in Tents, Just Intense – Courtesy of Paul Hetzler, CCE St. Lawrence County Winter is not a season when many people think about tents, except maybe to be glad they do not live in one. I do have some friends who love winter camping, and the fact they have…Continue Reading Maple pest saps maple syrup production