Tuesday, August 9, 2pm – 4pm. Rain or shine • Gates Farm West, 3352 Gates Rd. Geneva, NY
Our organic cucurbit research is helping the New York State Integrated Pest Management team identify best practices and strategies for increasing the manageability and profitability of organic squash production, and we’re sharing our research with you, Tuesday, August 9 from 2 to 4 pm at Gates Farm West, 3352 Gates Rd, Geneva.
Now in its second year, our squash trial is exploring the ways full-season row cover can be used to reduce or exclude pests and diseases and comparing the impact of different mulches, cultivation and rolled cover crops have on weeds, pests, diseases and crop yield.
“As a result of these trials, organic vegetable growers can take a look at what worked and didn’t work for us, and factor that into their pest management decisions – thereby improving pest management or making it less costly,”
Bryan Brown, NYSIPM’s integrated weed management specialist
Bryan Brown will join Associate Professor in the School of Integrated Plant Science, Sarah Pethybridge, Kellie Damann, plant pathology technician, and NYSIPM Vegetable IPM Coordinator Abby Seaman in presenting research and sharing insights during the trials.