Month: August 2016

World-class Golf Comes Home. Thank You, IPM

The Barclays PGA Tournament kicks off the FedEx Cup playoff in professional golf. This year it’s right here, right now — at Bethpage State Park on Long Island in downstate New York. The IPM (integrated pest management) piece of this story? Here’s where we tested, developed, and showcased preventive, threshold-based IPM protocols that can steeply…Continue Reading World-class Golf Comes Home. Thank You, IPM

Fighting Waterbugs — with Water

Plumbing issues lead to pest problems — there’s little doubt about that. Leaks offer standing water to rodents, and clogged, scummy drains are breeding sites for flies. How curious that one of the most common plumbing-related pest problems I see is drains and pipes without water. Case Study At a multi-story office building, workers reported…Continue Reading Fighting Waterbugs — with Water

Climate, Weather, Data Conference: farm, landscape, and human health

Climate change. Farming (and pests), landscapes (and pests) — even human health (and pests). How we track pests, monitor them, predict and plan for them — looking ahead, these provide critical information for growers, gardeners, landscapers, and public health officials. Which is why NYS IPM is hosting a new conference: Climate, Weather, Data: Protecting Our…Continue Reading Climate, Weather, Data Conference: farm, landscape, and human health

Wasps and Festivals

One of the great things about living in New York State in the summer and fall is the availability of numerous festivals. It seems like every area has several each weekend. Hard to choose! In addition to sudden downpours, yellowjacket wasps are one of the consistent nemeses of festival attendees. This is especially true in…Continue Reading Wasps and Festivals

Climate, Weather, Data: Crops and Landscapes

With all the talk about climate change you might wonder how it will affect food production, pests, and even landscapes—and what you can do about it. From the Valentine’s Day massacre winter freeze to plant life gasping for water, changing weather patterns have affected our crops all over the Northeast. Learn how gathering information on…Continue Reading Climate, Weather, Data: Crops and Landscapes