Anxious about that wasp nest near the back door that you hadn’t noticed till now? Not to worry. By this time of year, most wasp colonies have disbanded. Fertile young queens fly off to hide under tree bark or some other place to wait out the cold weather — to chill out, as it were….Continue Reading Deal with “Empty Nester” Wasps Now — Prevent Problems Next Year
This IPM Annual Report: A Good Read — No, Make That GREAT
Annual Report. Sounds like a snoozer, doesn’t it? But hey, ours is great. Worth bragging about, frankly. Because we tell true stories about the really cool IPM work, whether research or outreach, we do around New York — and even with partners around the Northeast and across the nation. Stories crafted with you, the busy…Continue Reading This IPM Annual Report: A Good Read — No, Make That GREAT
Critters Can Do — Match the Pest and What It Does
Match the critter to what it does — or in one case, what natural force could kill it. (Answer key below.) critter can do mouse 1 eats pests of crops or pollinates them — or both cockroach 2 emerges from cocoon when it feels vibration of approaching host aphid 3 makes tunnels within leaves flea…Continue Reading Critters Can Do — Match the Pest and What It Does
IPM for Wildlife — the Hotline Begins Here
Maybe it’s the chipmunk stashing a winter’s-worth of nuts and seeds in the cellar. Or momma raccoon bringing up baby in the attic (the latrine she made is conveniently nearby). Or any of 20-plus critters that set up shop where we want them least. Nationwide, Cooperative Extension’s Master Gardener volunteers are IPM-trained and equipped to…Continue Reading IPM for Wildlife — the Hotline Begins Here
What’s the Buzz — About Citronella Ants
In late September and early October, on warm days, you may notice a buzz in the air. This is the time of year when citronella ants swarm, and they can overwhelm a backyard with winged queens and kings looking for a mate and a new home. Citronella ants are a bit larger than pavement ants…Continue Reading What’s the Buzz — About Citronella Ants
IPM Head Smut Alert! Check Your Corn
When you don’t see a crop disease for decades, it’s easy to forget it even existed. And then to find it at an unlikely time of year — all we can say is “Farmers and gardeners, check your corn crops.” Just — well, just because. Indeed, that we found head smut at all proves the…Continue Reading IPM Head Smut Alert! Check Your Corn
IPM for Dead Grass SOS
Grub damage is showing up in New York later this year than usual, so don’t let your guard down just because it’s October. Still, how do you know if it’s grubs — or something else? One test: if you can loosen the sod with a trowel or garden fork, then peel it up like a…Continue Reading IPM for Dead Grass SOS
Test Your Bed-Bug IQ
Test your bed-bug knowledge — and no peeking at the answer key. A. Which diseases do bed bugs spread? A. Hepatitis B. AIDs C. Malaria D. None E. Meningitis B. How long might I need to leave my house for, so bed bugs will starve? A. A week B. Two weeks C. A month D….Continue Reading Test Your Bed-Bug IQ
Tiny Fruit-Fly Pest Packs Big Wallop — Now on TV
It’s tiny, but it packs a wallop. That’s SWD — spotted-wing drosophila — a new invasive fruit fly that’s put down roots in nearly every berry-growing region in North America. Losses can range from “lots” to “entire crop wiped out.” In New York alone, that’s millions of dollars down the drain. CBS2’s Vanessa Murdock reported…Continue Reading Tiny Fruit-Fly Pest Packs Big Wallop — Now on TV
What Is That Wasp in the Window?
Those of us who work in “structural pest management” (think office buildings, schools, or homes) tend to see the same cast of characters each year: cockroaches, ants, termites and bed bugs to name a few. But every now and then an interesting critter will show up that has a neat story to tell. Enter Brachymeria…Continue Reading What Is That Wasp in the Window?