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Social Networks Redefining Google Search

Undoubtedly search engines such as Google revolutionized the manner in which we search and obtain results from the World Wide Web. Google’s algorithm and PageRank system has enabled us to efficiently receive results that correspond to our search entries. As we know, Google formulated a PageRank system so that pages with a greater “value” in terms of relevance and popularity (determined by in-links and anchor texts) appear higher in the search results than pages with lower values. Nowadays, it seems as though the manner in which we obtain search results has revolutionized again. With social networks such as Facebook and Twitter becoming dominant powers in the Internet realm, their influence is gradually seeping into Google’s PageRank system. More specifically, the recently added features of “Liking” and “Sharing” something on Facebook have shown to influence Google search results.

The “Like” feature allows a Facebook user to demonstrate positive feedback to any comment, post, status, photo or link that either the user himself or another person is sharing. More importantly, however, it allows a person to go on any webpage and “Like” it. This creates a connection between the webpage and the person’s Facebook account. Others who are friends with this person would then be able to see that the person “Likes” the webpage, and as a result would be able to go to the link. Not only does this generate an increased amount of activity flow to the webpage through Facebook, Google also now has an application as a result of the “Like” feature known as Google +Like. This allows people with Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer as their browsers to completely reorganize their search results based on how popular they are according to the total number of Facebook “Likes.” Therefore, because of this one feature that Facebook created, users can now obtain search results based on a modified PageRank system.

Augmenting this point, the Daily SEO Blog “examined the top 30 ranking results for 10,217 searches and conclude that social network metrics correlate with higher rankings on Google search.” In addition, they believe that the “Share” feature on Facebook enables the value of a webpage to increase significantly more so than the “Like” feature. With the “Share” feature, users can directly create a linkage between a webpage and their Facebook account. Unlike the “Like” feature though, which showcases the like on the user’s homepage, a “Shared” link will more likely appear on the Top Newsfeed, which generates more visibility among Facebook users. As a result, there will be an increased likelihood that someone will click on the link and create a higher traffic to the webpage. Therefore, this is another way social network sites modify search results.

With the volatility that the World Wide Web experiences, the ranking of search results will constantly change. And now, more than ever, it seems that social networks have the power to influence search rankings. Facebook, it seems, is no longer just in the business of connecting friends with other friends, but also in the business of connecting people to information.

Google +Like Sorts Through Search Results By Facebook Popularity


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