Does friend’s friend have to be a friend?
“Learning to Predict Reciprocity and Triadic Closure in Social Networks” TianCheng Lou, Jie Tang, John Hopcroft, ZhanPeng Fang, XiaoWen Ding Recently, our class talked about strong ties and weak ties, and both of them play powerful roles in networks by bridging the local and the global. While our textbook has looked into questions such as […]
Eminem’s Kamikaze and how it’s affecting the rap game.
Until I took this course I didn’t realize the number of networks that I constantly saw every day. Whether it was in nature, within my relationships, or through the venues that I got my food the world of networks has become a prominent part of my life. Still, I was surprised to realize that the […]
Instability in the Network of President Trump’s Staff *click the image for a link to the article On Wednesday, September 6, The New York Times released an Op-Ed article by an unnamed Trump administrative official that spoke to the “quiet resistance” within the staff towards the President. The article describes deliberate acts by staff within Trump’s administration with the aim to prevent certain […]