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The LA Metro, Networks, and Non-Technical Applications

The LA Metro wants to start a new transportation service that is based on algorithms, and in its essence, networks.  Traditional means of transportation have become outdated, and the LA Metro struggles to compete with companies such as Uber and Lyft.  In a state like California specifically, there is great wealth disparity and simple things like getting to work on time or having adequate access to all parts of the city have become a class issue.  LA is hoping to employ tech to help create a system that moves as fast as competing alternatives at an affordable price.   By using MicroTransit, LA hopes to supply all of LA with an affordable and efficient transportation mechanism.

Though at first glance, this seems to not have anything to do with networks, and more to do with tech in general and transportation policy, I see it as a very practical and useful application of many of the topics we have learned in Networks.  The concept in itself is a useful way to take advantage of networks and big data.  First, it can use a lot of the earlier topics like the traveler’s dilemma to utilize traffic pattern data to find a suitable equilibrium for vehicles in real time.  Next, it can employ certain matching principles to make sure that the price they are charging for the service allows for a good matching of Uber users, personal vehicles, traditional public transportation, and MicroTransit.  Finally, solutions like PageRank and the structure of the internet can inspire different approaches to routes and how to analyze demand, popularity and traffic.

Overall, I think that this article is a must-read because it very subtly combines key themes in the course with real world applications.


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