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Transparent Options for Modern, Online Advertising

A criticism of the second price auction format, commonly used for selling online advertising, is that creates room for sellers to be dishonest about their practices. Examples of this are including unknown price floors and having hidden mechanics that bidders aren’t aware of. Because of these confusing tactics buyers often end up paying similar prices […]

Bowtie Structure of Internet Paper Awarded

Link to article The revolutionary paper written by Andrei Broder and colleagues regarding the the structure of the Internet was granted another award back in April of 2017. The Seoul Test of Time Award is given to those whose who author groundbreaking papers with immense social or technical impact over time. It is an incredibly […]

Google Versus Bing

Bing and Google are two prominent search engines. However, when searching the same word combination, you can receive very different results.  Such differentiation reflects the significance of search engine algorithms and how Google and Bing have unique systems.  Google uses the PageRank algorithm to compute the most important sites and results to show up. On […]

Google’s PageRank Algorithm and Cancer Treatment

Source: Google Goes Cancer: Improving Outcome Prediction for Cancer Patients by Network-Based Ranking of Marker Genes Is PageRank algorithm only for search engines? The answer is definitely no. In fact, Google’s PageRank algorithm can be extended to many other areas, such as effectively analyzing the genomic information of tumors and predicting which factors affect […]

Pagerank and Futbol

Link to Article Referenced   This article, found on MIT’s online Technology Review publication, talks about an impressively creative application of Google’s famous algorithm. Two academics at a Macedonian University have used PageRank to determine the most successful national soccer team according to World Cup Record. Before my analysis of how they did this, allow me […]

The Facebook Experience: Featuring VCG Auctions This article analyzes how Facebook utilizes the Vickrey-Clarke-Groves (VCG) auction system to sell and optimally place ads on the social networking site. An important element of VCG is how much is lost from the rest of the system when a particular advertisement is on a page. The articles delineates that Facebook calculates this harm […]

Net Neutrality and the Internet as we know it

One of the hottest topics regarding the internet today is net neutrality. Net neutrality is the concept that internet service providers such as Verizon, AT&T, and Comcast should not be able to speed up, slow down, or block any of the content on the internet that their users want to access. As it stands, the […]

Potential Change to Page Ranking Method

When searching online, page ranking significantly influences the information people are going to access. Generally, research engines like Google “assesses the authority of a page on a topic, through the implicit endorsements that other pages on the topic confer through their links to it”, and pages that are more important make stronger endorsements (Easley and […]

Online ads are not just about Game Theory

For a business to be successful, it must be able to not only reach the largest audience possible, but also target potential customers in the most cost-efficient manner. In the era of the internet and big data, it has become increasingly easier for businesses to reach target audiences with great precision. Currently, two of the […]

Google and PageRank

This article is about how Google had made the PageRank scores of pages no longer accessible to the public. This is due to the inherent problems that arose as Google implemented a PageRank meter to their toolbar released in 2000. The public believed that PageRank values played a large role in ranking the webpages, causing […]

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October 2017
